Sadler’s Seminal work on Separation of Powers and Philosemitism
Samuel Sewall’s Millennialist Vision of America
Sewell, William. The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers (Vol. II only) (1832)
Versteeg, John M. Methodism: Ohio Area (1812-1962). Ohio Area Sequicentennial Committee, n.p., 1962. Signed by Author.
Watts, Isaac. The Improvement of the Mind: or a Supplement to the Art of Logic. In Two Parts. To which is added, A Discourse on the Education of Children and Youth. (Exeter, New Hampshire, 1793.)
Watts, Isaac. The Psalms of David (Boston: 1773) with Poems Inscribed by Young Girl in 1776 (Not in Evans or Bristol)